Anjum Rahman

From Hamilton for Hamilton


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You may well be wondering where campaign update numbers 1 to 6 are. I’ve been circulating these by email, to a group of friends and supporters. Mostly they have been about the preparatory work I’ve been doing for my campaign, as well as activities I’ve been involved with in the community.

So my update starts with the things I’ve been up to in the last week:

  • Mostly i’ve been busy in the last week with the New Zealand Labour Party regional conference in Cambridge.  I’ve been on the organising committee, and was busy with compiling remits, preparing the conference dinner & various other bits and pieces.  It was great to catch up with a lot of lovely people who care deeply about what’s happening in our country.  It is people like this who give up their leisure time to debate policy and discuss campaign strategy who ensure that democracy functions in this country.  You can read a little bit about the conference here.
  • Last Thursday night I attended a meeting organised by one my fellow local participants of the Taku Manawa programme.  We talked about the Universal Periodic Review conducted by the United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights.  It’s an important and powerful review process, one that the government makes submissions to and which individuals and groups can also make submissions on.  I may write more about this later on my blog.
  • Last night I was at a meeting to support the local living wage campaign.  As I mentioned in my previous post here, I’ve written about this on my blog.
  • In between times, I have been working on this website and on the facebook page I’ve set up for my campaign.  I started sending out invites for the page 2 days ago, and 98 people have liked the page in that time.  The supportive comments have been really heartening.  I’ve also uploaded a campaign video, which you will find in the previous post and the “About Me” page.

What I plan to be doing over the next week:

  • I’ll be attending the AGM of the Waikato Multicultural Council on Saturday.
  • I’ll have the regular monthly meeting of the Waikato Community Broadcasting Charitable Trust.  This is the trust that manages Free FM, Hamilton’s community radio station.
  • Next Tuesday morning I’ll be delivering a lecture at the University about women in politics.  I have plenty to say about that!  My lecture will be based on this paper (pdf) I wrote a couple of years ago, updated with my experiences thus far in the local body campaign.
  • I’ll be having meetings to work on the mechanics of my campaign.  There’s a lot of work to be done around fundraising, organising hoardings, & delivering leaflets.

If you’re interested in helping out with my campaign, please do have a look at the “How you an help” page of this website, and feel free to contact me.  Hope you all have a great week.

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